This documentation only applies to QUADStor Tape Test Framework software (quadstor-ttf)
With the libctl utility access to individual elements can be toggled.
To view the current access configuration for a library element
/quadstorvtl/bin/libctl -l -v <vtl name> -t s|d|i -n <element number>
Where for -t, s indicates a storage slot, d indicates a drive and i indicates an import/export element
For example
To query the access information of the first import/export element (changer access port)
/quadstorvtl/bin/libctl -l -v VTL1 -t i -n 1 Name: VTL1 Element Type: Import/Export Element Cartridge Label: Access: Yes Except: No
If Access is "Yes" indicates that in the READ ELEMENT STATUS response for the import/export element the ACCESS bit is set. Similary Except indicates the value of the EXCEPT bit
Currently specifying the ASC/ASCQ value when Except is set to 'Yes' isn't supported
Modifying a library element configuration
/quadstorvtl/bin/libctl -l -v <vtl name> -t s|d|i -n <element number> -a 0|1 -e 0|1
For example to remove access to an application for the first import/export element
/quadstorvtl/bin/libctl -v VTL1 -t i -n 1 -a 0
Name: VTL1 Element Type: Import/Export Element Element Address: 768 Cartridge Label: Access: No Except: No
Exporting virtual cartridges
Unlike quadstor vtl software exporting virtual cartridges out of a library is a manual process with quadstor-ttf
This is because with quadstor-ttf one can simulate movement of cartridges out of a physical tape library
Exporting involves the following steps
1. Moving a virtual cartridge to an I/E port
2. Removing access to the I/E port by an application. This is to simulate an changer access port open event
3. Manually exporting the virtual cartridge. This is to simulate the movement of a tape cartridge out of the I/E port by an operator
4. Allowing access to the I/E port by an application. This is to simulate closing of the I/E port by an operator
The above steps are translated to
/quadstorvtl/bin/libctl -v <vtl name> -t i -n <element number> -a 0
/quadstorvtl/bin/libctl -v <vtl name> -t i -n <element number> -u
/quadstorvtl/bin/libctl -v <vtl name> -t i -n <element number> -a 1
In the above command the -u option above indicates that a cartridge in the I/E port needs to be unloaded. The command can fail if the access to the I/E port is still allowed for an application or if the I/E port contains no virtual cartridge. On completion of the unload a UNIT ATTENTION with asc/ascq of IMPORT EXPORT ELEMENT ACCESSED MEDIUM CHANGED is established for all initiators