Installation of prerequisite packages

In order to use the web based GUI apache needs to be installed on the system. This can be done by

sh# pkg install apache24

Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to start apache at system boot


Enable mod_cgi by uncommenting the following line in /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf

LoadModule cgi_module libexec/apache24/

Installing/Upgrading of QUADStor on FreeBSD 11.3/12.1

  • Login to the target system as root
  • Uninstall any previous version of the software by
sh# pkg remove quadstor-vtl-ext
/quadstorvtl/pgdata contains the configuration database of the software. This data is maintained even after an uninstall of the software and is required for upgrades. If this data were to manually removed all previous configuration such as configured storage, VTLs is lost. Refer to to recover from a lost or damage database
  • Install the packages by running the following commands
sh# pkg add quadstor-vtl-xxxx.txz
  • After the install is successful add the following to /etc/rc.conf
The above change needs to be done If you wish to start the quadstorvtl service automatically on system boot. If you wish to start the service manually run /etc/rc.d/quadstorvtl onestart and to stop the service /etc/rc.d/quadstorvtl onestop

Fiber Channel Installation

Add the following to /boot/loader.conf in the same order as below

remove isp_load="YES" if present

For FreeBSD 11.3 download

For FreeBSD 12.1 download

As root user:

tar xvzf ispmod-fbsd12.1.tgz (or tar xvzf ispmod-fbsd11.3.tgz)
cd ispmod

The ispmod driver used is a slightly modified version of the FreeBSD isp driver. The driver is built with target mode enabled but all device hints suggested in the manpage of isp are supported. Also the current behavior of the driver is to enable both target mode and initiator mode. Initiator mode is required, if for access to disks or tape is over fiber channel connected to QLogic cards. If however you are accessing disks or tape without the need for FC connected to QLogic card(s) then it is suggested to disable initiator mode. This can be change by adding a device hint in either the /boot/loader.conf or /boot/device.hints.

For example:
hint.ispmod.0.role="1" would enable target mode only. Note that ispmod.0 specifies the first QLogic adapter, ispmod.1 the second etc.
role can be "1" [target mode only], "2" [ initiator mode only], "3" [both target and initiator mode]

A reboot is required to load the new FC driver if LUNs are to be accessed via the FC interface