This documentation only applies to QUADStor Tape Test Framework software (quadstor-ttf)

Listing the MAM attributes

/quadstorvtl/bin/mamctl -l -v <vcartridge name> -p <partition number>

Partition number only applies to multi partition tapes. Partitions are numbered starting from 0 and by default every virtual tape has partition '0'. If partition number is not specified default 0 is used

For example to view the MAM information of a VCartridge named FOO

/quadstorvtl/bin/mamctl -l -v FOO

ID.      Fmt.     Len.     Value
0000     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
0001     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
0002     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
0003     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
0004     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0406     81       08       20130501
0407     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 
0408     80       01       00 
0409     80       02       00 00 

The output printed is always in hexadecimal format.

The value printed above is based on the format of the attribute. If bit 7 is set then the attribute is treated as read only and writes to the attribute is not allowed by a WRITE ATTRIBUTE command. For example in the above output a Fmt. of 0x80 indicates a read only binary value

Format 0x01 and 0x02 are printed as ascii values.

Adding an attribute

/quadstorvtl/bin/mamctl -a -v <vcartridge name> -p <partition number> -i <attribute identifier> -s <attribute length> -f <attribute format> -V <attribute value>

For example

/quadstorvtl/bin/mamctl -a -v FOO -p 0 -i 0x500 -s 16 -f 0x01 -V 'MAMTEST'
/quadstorvtl/bin/mamctl -l -v FOO
ID.      Fmt.     Len.     Value
0000     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
0001     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
0409     80       02       00 00 
0500     01       16       MAMTEST

Binary values will have to be passed as hex decimal values. Also if the binary value is to represent a number, the value will have to be in MSB first format

For example

/quadstorvtl/bin/mamctl -a -v FOO -p 0 -i 0x500 -s 16 -f 0x00 -V '08 01 AA FF BB CC'
ID.      Fmt.     Len.     Value
0000     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
0001     80       08       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
0409     80       02       00 00 
0500     00       16       08 01 AA FF BB CC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Deleting an attribute

/quadstorvtl/bin/mamctl -x -v <vcartridge name> -p <partition number> -i <attribute identifier>

For example

/quadstorvtl/bin/mamctl -x -v FOO  -i 0x500