Information about the configured physical disks, vcartridges and VTLs is maintained in a postgresql database located at /quadstorvtl/pgsql. The database is present under /quadstorvtl/pgsql/data . If /quadstorvtl/pgsql/data directory is removed or damaged, the information can be recovered by the /quadstorvtl/bin/dbrecover tool

Steps to perform a database recovery

1. Uninstall the quadstor-vtl packages

2. After uninstalling you move /quadstorvtl/pgsql/data directory to another location

3. Install the quadstor-vtl packages

4. Reboot the system

5. After the system restart ensure that quadstorvtl service is running. Run the following command to confirm

On RHEL5/6 run /etc/rc.d/init.d/quadstorvtl status
On Debian run /etc/init.d/quadstorvtl status
On SLES run /etc/rc.d/quadstorvtl status
On FreeBSD run /etc/init.d/quadstorvtl status

6. Run /quadstorvtl/bin/dbrecover -t

7. The above command runs the recover tool in test mode but does not change the database. The command lists the physical disks, vtls and vcartridges which will added back to the database. In case the tools requires user confirmation it will prompt the user first

8. If everything is satisfactory run /quadstorvtl/bin/dbrecover again. This time do not pass the '-t' option. Without the -t option changes are committed to the database.

9. Reboot your system

10. Your database should be recovered to a previous state.

The following information is recovered by the dbrecover tool

  • Physical storage configuration
  • VTL information
  • VCartridge information

The following information cannot be recovered by the dbrecover tool and will have to be manually reconfigured

  • VTL/VDrive iSCSI settings
  • Storage pools without any disks configured
  • VTLs without any VCartridges configured